28 June, 2012

A word from B. Stone, General Manager, TPC Eagle Trace

Dear Members,

Our major 5/8-inch core aerification went exceptionally well.  The weather cooperated resulting in a relatively painless cleanup and fast recovery.  As such, we have decided to adjust our second aerification to a far less intrusive procedure with ¼ - inch tines that will barely be noticeable on the putting surfaces.  Therefore, the club will reopen for business as usual on Tuesday, July 17 rather than waiting for previously necessary healing through Friday, July 20.  Contact the golf shop regarding starting times for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Anyone who has played here at the club recently has undoubtedly noticed the excessive rough around the golf course.  Directly following aerification, our rough mower used for areas outside of the cart paths (St. Augustine) was broken and could not be repaired due to a backorder of the necessary part for nearly 7 days.  As you can imagine, this time of year, that delay put us two mowing cycles behind.  We are pleased to report that we have completed our first cycle in an effort to catch up, and are approximately half way through the second cycle that will return us to ideal length.  In addition, Skip has lowered the cutting heights for tees, fairways, and outside rough with the intention of lowering the Bermuda rough as well sometime early next week.  Finally, our intention is to start the re-sodding process of the damaged areas on holes #5, #12, and #15 green on Monday July 2.
Thank you,
Bryan Stone
General Manager

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